 Start Page

Want to make a difference? So do we!

We are continuously looking for inspired, passionate, and challenge-seeking people, either entry level researchers or experienced engineers with a technical background related to our company’s activity fields. If you share our passion for the engineering world and innovation, we invite you to join our team and bring along your ideas and enthusiasm!

Current job openings:

Senior Product Engineer - Read the job Description.

Please send your CV with a cover letter describing your main insterests and areas of activity to: info@pleione-energy.com


Innovation Engineer - Read the job Description.

Please send your CV with a cover letter describing your main insterests and areas of activity to: info@pleione-energy.com


Embedded Software Engineer - Read the job Description.

Please send your CV with a cover letter describing your main insterests and areas of activity to: info@pleione-energy.com


Senior Electrical Engineer - Read the job Description.

Please send your CV with a cover letter describing your main insterests and areas of activity to: info@pleione-energy.com



Patriarchou Grigoriou & Neapoleos str.

Athens - Greece

T: +30 210 6564501



Feldstraße 2, 28816

Stuhr, Germany


Copyright © 2021 - 2025 Pleione Energy S.A.